Elo finds and fills nutrient gaps with Smart Nutrition™ products based on blood testing, activity data, and one-on-one dietitian support.
By introducing regular feedback loops, members are empowered to improve daily choices for optimal long-term health.
Elo customers test their biomarkers and sync their activity data to receive personalized vitamins, supplements, and proteins each month. Through Elo’s app, users track their progress and get new recommendations as their needs change.
Nutrient and caloric imbalances give rise to chronic non-communicable diseases at alarming rates, representing the world’s leading cause of poor human health. 17% of the U.S. GDP is spent on healthcare (World Bank), out of which +25% is spent on preventable illnesses, primarily driven by unhealthy diets and lack of exercise.
The feedback loop between daily nutrition and long-term health is often delayed by decades, making it difficult for individuals to take corrective action early to minimize long-term, preventable diseases.
With Elo’s solution, people can detect risk factors, such as high cholesterol or blood sugar, early and take preventative steps to prevent future diet-related diseases.
Shifting to healthier diets could reduce annual healthcare costs in the US alone by up to $50 billion, currently spent on diet-related diseases , and prevent 20% of all premature deaths globally.